W.D. Amaradewa
Lyricist: Chandraratna Manawasinghe Musician: W.D. Amaradewa
Cm / M3-24

පාරමිතා බල - Dm (Orig Key: Cm)

Select New Pitch:   Ab    A    Bb    B    C    C#    D    Eb    E    F    F#    G 


paaremithaa bale puurithe puujithe

| Gm

budhDhe dhiwaakereyaaNoo

|Bb Dm Gm Dm

wEsak pohoo dhine dhinuu seeke lowe

|C Dm

budhDhe dhiwaakereyaaNoo


|C Dm

sznesEmu pudhe dhii muni siripaadhee

|F Dm

pihinemu pihinemu budhu guNe muhudhee


|Dm A Dm

sanesaa muLu lowe niwan labaadhii

|Bb Eb Cm Dm

puNYe mahoodhedhii shaanthe samaaDhii


saNeraamere guru looke shiwaNGkere

|Gm Dm

budhDhe dhiwaakereyaaNoo


|Dm Gm A Dm

maare paraajeye keLe muniNdhungee

|Dm Bb F Dm

karuNaa siithele nEth dhaharaa


galaa basii thun loo thaleyee dhuk

|Gm Dm

giman niwaa ame sEthe saadhaa

|F Dm Eb

budhu rzs kztiwii nzgi aalookee

|Dm Gm C Dm

pise yayi dhukaNdhuru muLu thun lookee


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